Wednesday, December 1, 2010

NanoWriMo swallowed my life :o

This time, I really, truly, (and I actually mean it..) I am so terribly sorry about forgetting this poor bloggle! *hugs blog and followers* It's just... yes, one of my everlasting excuses is about to come out... NanoWriMo swallowed the last bit of the resemblence of a life that I had. AND the end of school's coming up, too... :P Anyway... my life away from the blog has been... sad that I've been forgetting the blog. So.. I shall muse, and I shall tell you what has been happening in my life.


OH!! I went and saw Harry Potter 7 the other day! And, I mean no offense to those that - a)do not like ti, b) seriously hate it, and c) wish to burn the books, movies and kill J.K.Rowling - but I really, really loved this movie. I do love the books, and the other movies, but I think this one was - seriously! - the best! Now, to wait for Part 2... *sighs*
My memory is coming back! ..or, more accurately, events of my life are coming back! :D
I also won two silvers at a karate tournament! WOOHOO!! (Don't tell anyone... in a division of two :D)
Hmm... yes, I already said that school was over... hmm... oh, I am being lent a pool for this summer. < :D Well, actually... I clean my neighbour's pool every two weeks, and she is going away the week after Christmas/the week of New Year. Aaand.. she wants me to keep the pool water level or something, and for that she will pay me... and let me go in her pool anytime! I was SOOO excited!
^I guess that didn't convey much to you... lol, for Christmas you'll be in the middle of blizzards or something! NO need for pools for you!

...thanks for reading through all of my ranting and rambling.. if you've got this far! :D :D Beware.. there IS more to come! :D

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