Thursday, July 1, 2010

tired,tired, tired....

I am sooo tired. And cold. But I think I've already mentioned that. Anyway, here I am, sitting at the computer (which is kind of obvious) and wearing the fleeciest, warmest jacket I can find. Incidentally, this jacket is AMERICAN! It comes from Thomas Aquinas College in California! (Just needed to announce that to the whole world) As I was saying, I'm sitting at the computer and wearing my jacket, etc., but I'm feeling incredibly tired. It's turning cold and I'm veddy tired. And I'b god a cold. (I love complaining, don't I?) Winter is sort of a time for tiredness for me. You see, there's no glistening, shining new snow here. Not to say that snow doesn't turn ugly (I saw the teeniest bit, once) but it would be soo cool.... people would be like WHOA! IT'S SNOWING IN ADELAIDE! COME TO ADELAIDE! They wouldn't really.... but it's fun to dream, isn't it? Anyway, enough about my tiredness..... I'm trying a new layout and pic and all sorts of things. How do you like it? (feedback appreciated) I actually couldn't find a background of rain...,. thilly backgrounds. I had to settle with plain blue. ;D


  1. I hope you feel un-tired soon Illie :)

  2. Haha!!! I love your posts...they always cheer me up-even if you are feeling miserable you are still hilarious. ;D

    And I love the background... :) The header doesn't match tho maybe.... :-/
