Friday, September 24, 2010

Pride and Prejudice in emoticons... oh my goodness :D

This had me cracking up... Pride and Prejudice in EMOTICONS!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A piano tuned one tone flat is not a very good sound.

Today my dad, brother and I played at an old folks home. Aaaand.... the piano was tuned one tone flat! It was pretty awful trying to play the violin in those conditions. Everything I played felt sooooo wrong, basically because my ears weren't used to wrong tuning. And then Dad started to play a piece on the piano (he's a pianist) by himself, and I sat next to him and turned the pages. Well, in the middle of it, this old guy started yelling out 'STOP! STOP!' He basically kept yelling that throughout the whole piece, until Dad turned round and said 'Could you please stop shouting!' They rolled him off after that, lol. It was actually pretty funny.... after the event was over. Anyhow, that was my little cross to bear today..... a piano tuned one tone flat. :D

Friday, September 10, 2010

Facebook Games.......... *groans*

I have found out, as many have told me, Facebook games are addictive. Almost like the forum. I thought I would just try out one, and.......... wham, here I am in the middle of this game.My advice to you, is never try out any of these games. They take you, life and soul........... not really. I AM KIDDING! Cause if it took me life and soul I wouldn't be able to be sitting here writing, would I? I would be...... dead, I guess. And I'm sure none of you want me dead. Aren't I? :P < It has often occurred to me how much I love dis smilie. It's so..... I don't know. I guess I just like it..... funny, when I first wrote that, it came out 'I guess I just don't like it....' thilly me. :P

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Poor Bloggle.....

I am sooooo sorry, to keep you waiting like this for another post. Perhaps I even made you forget my blog, and that would be sad. ;D Anyway, as I found out, life often catches up on you in one big hit and you have no time for anything, let alone blogs...... ok, maybe I had time for some things. For lots of things. Maybe I was just to lazy to post...... :P Anyway, ^points at header* aren't you proud of me! I edited that blog header! After many *cough* hours of work....... :P more like eight minutes. ANYWAY, I need to write a story. For the forum. A totally random one, about a blind date and a bounty hunter. Don't look at me, this wasn't my idea! Look at Lanta from the forum. She got us going onto this random website and it comes up with weird plot ideas that you could make a short story from. Anyway, I got that one afore-said aaand.... I have to post it on here! *chews fingernails* and I haven't even started.....................Anyway, on a happier not, I went to the Royal Adelaide Show, and I won a first prize in cookery! Wait..... you don't know what the Show is, do you? I think you all just have theme parks. Am I right? Of course I am.... :P or not..... anyway, the Show used to be a place where farmer went and show their farm animals, and farmer's wives went and showed their bread and scones and whatnot. Now it's sorta evolved into a fun fair (American term, right?) with rides and showbags..... but you don't know what showbags are, either, do you? *sighs* These Americans will be the death of me.... Anyway, in the briefest sense of the word, showbags are bags with lollies in them which you buy. Some of them are good, some are bad....There, showbags explained. At least I don't have to explain rides...... you know what those are, don't you? :P