Monday, March 21, 2011


I Love Tumblr. I discovered it via Deyla, and now.... ♥ SO I'll be posting more often there :D

You can follow me. *wink wink*

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I love dreams. And I love it even more when I can remember them. I never used to remember my dreams, but lately I've been have some weird and wonderful ones. And then I take them and make stories out of them. It's very fun. :D Like, lately, I had a really cool dream - and then when I woke up, I could remember the jist of it, and a couple of sentences. So I wrote something out of it. ;) Here it is. :D

“Elechiel?” He whispered.
“Yes?” I whispered back.
It was so stupid.
Here we were, in chains - chains, mind - led by guards to who knows where - and we were trying to whisper to each other.
“Where do you think we’re going, Elechiel?”
I sighed and rolled my eyes. At least, I would have rolled my eyes if the guard hadn’t turned around and slapped me in the face.
“No talking.” He grunted out. At least, I think that’s what he said. As I say, he grunted.
I shrugged my shoulders at my brother. As if I would know where we were going. Anyway, he knew I didn’t know where we were going. He was just asking it for the sake of asking.
And possibly to get me slapped in the face.
He looked over my way again, but I turned my head. He could get slapped, if he wanted; it wasn’t my problem.
Except for the fact that he was my younger brother, that is. And the fact that he had no one else in the world - except me.
I would have liked him more if he wasn’t so annoying. But hey, isn’t that what seventeen-year-old kid brothers are for? That and showing off their muscles to a crowd of giggling high-schoolers. Highschool girls, that is. Highschool boys giggling is a sight I have yet to see.
All in all, I was quite relieved when we stopped in front of a door. What with Barathiel - kid brother’s name - trying to whisper again, it seemed one of us was in for a ‘light touch to the cheek’ again. And the one most likely seemed to be me.
So, anyway, where were we? Oh, yes. The door.
The door had a handle, two hinges, and a label, like most doors. In fact, it was like most doors in every way. Except for the colour.
It was the brightest white I had ever seen, or hoped to see. It burned my eyes, and closing them did absolutely no good. It was the harshest light, I thought, in the world - until the guard opened the door.
I thought I was going blind - I tried to look over to Barath - tried to shield my eyes - tried not to scream.
I was living in a nightmare.
The minute it had opened I heard a small gasp from my brother. No more. But it was all I could do to stop myself wailing out my anguish to the world. My eyes were on fire.
And then, out of my world of pain and agonizing whiteness, the voice spoke.
“Turn it down.”
I wanted to go on my knees, to thank the voice. At least, I thought I did. Until my world cleared.
“We meet again.”
“Did you know -” My kid brother - “that that phrase has been used approximately two million t - Ow.”
Another grunt from the guard. “Shut up.”
The other voice went on.
“Elechiel, Barathiel.”
I nodded, barely acknowledging the voice - or the face that belonged with it.
“You were brought here for a reason. I am sure you know that reason.”
“Actually,” I said, “No.”
“Oh, more clearly defined? We do not know why we are here, we would like you to let us go, and.. oh, yes, maybe never see you again?”
The voice subtly changed, an undercurrent of anger - or was it fear? - running through it.
“You just threw away your only hope. Watch it crumble into dust.... or rather, don’t watch anything.”
My best efforts to keep my face void of feeling were obviously not working.
“I can blind you. I can take away your memory. I can do anything - anything ever invented to you.
Look at me.”
I kept my head down.
So did Barathiel.
“Look at me. Elechiel. Barathiel.”
The guard kicked us, or punched us, I’m sure, but it was as if I couldn’t feel anything.
“Look. At. Me.”
I raised my head, gritted my teeth, and looked.
“Have it your way.”
Barathiel slowly lifted his head, and together we gazed at our nemesis.
He had not changed from when we knew him. But his eyes had darkened, and they flickered from side to side, almost as if somewhere, there was a snake inside him.
“I can kill you.”
“We don’t care.” A surprisingly strong voice came from beside me; I looked at my brother, and almost smiled.
“I’m sure you will, when you know my secret.”
His lips curled into a sadistic smile.
A man standing behind his white chair - everything was white, in this room - coughed.
“If they are dead, sir, we will not survive from the FBI.”
The smile was wiped from his face.
“We are the FBI.”
“Not anymore, sir. Their identities are too... unique to escape detection.”
The same smile reappeared.
“Then give them new identities.”

(Hehe.... that last line was actually in my dream. Awesome, isn't it? :D)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I have recently become addicted to Muse.

Seriously... they are the best. Of the bestest. :D

Now I just have to work out how to get them to Australia.
